Hey, my name is Hannah! I will be attending Mohawk College in September but I've enjoyed working full-time at First Steps since June 2019. Every day, I am learning more and more about this profession and falling more and more in love! I am very fortunate to have the opportunity of teaching, guiding, befriending and loving the wonderful children in our care. Watching them discover new things and develop new skills brings me as much joy as I observe it bring to them. I genuinely believe that every child has the capacity to play, learn and love just as much as the next.
I am very passionate about art and music. Fortunately, I am able to share these passions with the children! I love playing music and sharing my artistic ideas with them; seeing ideas spark in their minds and joy upon their faces has me falling in love with my passions all over again.
Each day that passes, I believe I learn more from the children than they learn from me and my heart will always remain open to each and every child who passes through our doors!